
thankfulness, day twenty-four…the best of all!

By November 24, 2011 No Comments

wow, what a fun day. i am so thankful for my awesome family and i only spent the day with half of them. there is still more family time tomorrow!

i am so thankful for this little peanut, who has joined the crawling world at only 5 months!

i am thankful for this sister…
and this sister…it doesn’t get any better!

i am thankful for these two…pretty much the best parents you could ask for

and these inlaws…yeah they are pretty cool too!

i am thankful for the blessing of food on the table

i am thankful for laughter

i am thankful for the smiles and laughter this little monkey brings me

i am thankful the Lord allowed this auntie to live with us this past year

and i am thankful and blessed beyond words that the Lord saw fit to give me such a sweet, amazing, caring and godly husband

my cup really does overflow!

Marie Klein Burtt

About Marie Klein Burtt